Like its members, CICan has always favored a collaborative approach when tackling complex issues. This year we were proud to continue working with many partners, including:
- Ongoing collaboration on priority topics with our regional counterparts: Fédération des cégeps, Colleges Ontario, BC Colleges, and Atlantic Colleges Atlantique (formerly the Atlantic Provinces Community College Consortium), as well as l’Associaton des collèges et universités francophones du Canada (ACUFC) and the Réseau des cégeps et des collèges francophones du Canada (RCCFC);
- The Canadian Chamber of Commerce to produce the Skills for an Automated Future report;
- The McConnell Family Foundation to host two workshops (October 1 and March 15) on the improvement of social infrastructure to achieve better outcomes for people and our planet;
- The Mental Health Commission of Canada, along with Universities Canada and funders including Bell Let’s Talk and the Rossy Foundation, to create a national standard for post-secondary student mental health;
- Food Allergy Canada, who released a new, free resource titled Managing Food Allergies and Anaphylaxis: A Guide for Post-Secondary Institutions;
- The Business Council of Canada to promote linkages with industry and encourage increased work-integrated learning opportunities for students.