Surveying Canadian’s perceptions of post-secondary education, retraining and lifelong learning

With the labour market changing faster than ever to keep up with disruptive technologies, we commissioned a survey this year to see how Canadians feel about retraining and lifelong learning, and how they perceive colleges and institutes more generally. A report based on this poll was launched in November and shows that lifelong learning and access to hands-on training opportunities are highly valued by Canadians.

Survey highlights:

  • 98% of Canadians believe that access to lifelong learning at all ages is important
  • 90% of respondents agree that a good education is one that gives hands-on experience to students
  • 87% agree that the purpose of post-secondary education is to help people get, and keep, good jobs
  • 87% believe that businesses should advise post-secondary institutions to make sure students graduate with skills they need in the workplace
  • 91% agree that colleges and institutes prepare students with the technical skills they need to succeed in the workplace
  • 88% say Canada’s colleges and institutes have a positive impact on their local communities