Securing a seat at the table

CICan is constantly looking for new and effective ways to ensure our members have a prominent presence and influence in the halls of power. One of the ways we accomplish this is by advocating for our members’ participation in the House of Commons Standing Committees. Over the past year, various members from CICan’s advisory committees presented their expertise and insights before the House of Commons, fostering meaningful dialogues that advanced the interests of the entire sector.

Standing Committee Appearances:

In addition to the standing committee appearances, CICan ensures the voice of colleges and institutes is present in conversations around relevant government programs and policies. For example, during the last year, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) began a review of the department and its programs, including the International Student Program, at the beginning of 2023. CICan has engaged senior leadership, hosting the IRCC  Deputy Minister at the November Board dinner and meeting with the review leadership team and Minister’s office to ensure colleges are included in broad and thematic consultations.