Several networking events were organized throughout the year, at home and abroad, for members taking part in CICan’s international projects.
- CICan played a key role at the World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics (WFCP) congress which was held in Vitoria, Brazil from September 23-25. Canadian colleges and institutes made a strong impression on our partners, taking home 11 WFCP International Awards of Excellence.
- The 2017 forum on Private Sector Growth through Education for Employment (PSG-EFE), co-organized by CICan and the Senegalese Ministry of Professional Education, Learning, and Craft (ministère de la Formation professionnelle, de l’Apprentissage et de l’Artisanat – MFPAA) was held February 15-17 in Dakar, Senegal. The forum brought together over a hundred participants representing partner institutions in Senegal, participating Canadian colleges, the MFPAA, the private sector, and professional associations.
- In March, CICan led a delegation of representatives from over 30 member institutions to participate in a consultation session on the Canada in India Student Partners Program (SPP) hosted by the High Commission of Canada in New Delhi.