Collecting sound data on Canada’s colleges and institutes annual report"> Collecting sound data on Canada’s colleges and institutes" /> Research – Colleges and Institutes Canada Annual Report

Collecting sound data on Canada’s colleges and institutes

CICan conducted two major member surveys this year on priority topics. The first one looked at the applied research and innovation activities of our members. The second survey focused on Indigenous education, in order to identify best practices as well as current challenges. This also helped us evaluate the impact of the CICan Indigenous Education … Continued

Reporting on priority topics

This year, CICan launched the following reports: Green Skills for Sustainable Economic Growth: The Role of Canadian Colleges and Institutes in Advancing Education for Sustainability in Canada and Overseas. This report examines the capabilities of Canadian colleges and institutes to contribute to, and partner in, the process of “greening” technical and professional education. Skills Development … Continued


CICan is proud to serve as Canada’s knowledge hub on the college and institute system, gathering data and producing studies to both improve understanding of the Canadian post-secondary sector and support our advocacy efforts, nationally and internationally.