This year, CICan launched the following reports:
Green Skills for Sustainable Economic Growth: The Role of Canadian Colleges and Institutes in Advancing Education for Sustainability in Canada and Overseas.
This report examines the capabilities of Canadian colleges and institutes to contribute to, and partner in, the process of “greening” technical and professional education.
Skills Development as a Means to Women´s Empowerment: Integrating Gender Equality in TVET.
This paper was produced as a part of CICan’s ongoing commitment to engage internationally in thinking about the important points of intersection between gender equality and women’s economic empowerment.
Academic-Employer Connections in Colleges and Institutes: The Role of Program Advisory Committees (PACs)
This study provides a description of PACs, their purpose, governance, structure, and function. It identifies best practices as well as remaining knowledge gaps and offers thoughts on the future of these critical structures.