Throughout the year, CICan members had the opportunity to gather together to reflect and discuss priority issues and did so in record numbers. Overall, our Leaders Forum and Applied Research Symposium, both held in Ottawa, from November 5-6, as well as our Indigenous Education Symposium (October 14 to 16) were incredibly well attended.
In May, our annual national conference was held in Victoria, BC, with the theme Na’tsa’maht, or working together as one in the Lekwungen, SENĆOŦEN, and Hul’qumi’num languages. It was a rousing success with nearly 1000 participants!
For the first time this year we also organised a continuing education symposium, in collaboration with la Fédération des cégeps, held in Montreal from February 28 to March 1st. Representatives from 60 different colleges and institutes, as well as participants from universities, external organizations, and government took part in the event.
On December 7th, we also co-organized a Research Data Summit with Centennial College and Research Data Canada. This one-day workshop was an opportunity to discuss new approaches to data management and review the latest Tri-Council policy.