Taking care of our team

The well-being of our employees has always been a top priority, and we took several exceptional measures this year to ensure our team’s safety and well-being. In keeping with local public health recommendations, our corporate office in Ottawa has been closed for much of the past year, making working from home the new normal for … Continued

Looking to the post-pandemic recovery

As the year progressed, many conversations turned to the challenges ahead, and in particular the need to bolster a strong economic recovery. This was the focus of much of the federal government’s Fall economic update and subsequent budget. For us, it has always been clear that colleges and institutes are ideally placed to support Canadians … Continued

Shifting our student mobility program

Planned to launch in the Fall of 2020, our new student mobility program offered as part of Canada’s International Education Strategy had to be delayed because of the pandemic. Instead of waiting for the boarders to reopen, we launched a call for proposals to member institutions in October for innovative outbound student mobility projects. This upfront investment allowed member institutions to … Continued

Adapting international activities

Travel restrictions and safety concerns made international travel all but impossible for our international division, but this did not stop our many projects overseas from continuing. Work on our various international programs, including Education for Employment, Young Africa Works and others continued online, and new linkages between member institutions and international stakeholders were created.

Sharing key information in a time of crisis

The first few months of the pandemic were characterized by rapid change with new policies and interventions announced at breakneck speed to match the evolving landscape. It could be hard to keep up, which is why we quickly launched several initiatives to facilitate information sharing within our broader network. From the beginning of the pandemic, … Continued

Working with the government

COVID-19 had far-ranging implications that required the adoption of many new measures at the federal level. From border closures to emergency aid for students and employers, these decisions often had serious implications for colleges and institutes. Throughout the pandemic, we made sure their concerns were well represented and taken into account at the highest level. … Continued

Adjusting to COVID-19

In a year like no other, our association moved quickly to meet the unprecedented challenges caused by the largest global pandemic in generations. This required a whole-of-organization effort as priorities shifted to meet the urgent needs of our members and stakeholders.