Uniting people in a transformed world

The COVID-19 pandemic continued to reshape and transform our interactions and behaviours in 2022-23. For CICan, it meant hosting our first-ever hybrid connection conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Nearly 700 college and institute leaders and partners joined us on-site, and almost 300 participants joined us online. These numbers include representatives from every province and territory … Continued

Presenting new knowledge tools and resources

The sharing of knowledge tools and resources is crucial for fostering growth, collaboration, and continuous improvement among our members. Over the past year, CICan released several new and improved knowledge tools and resources, including a new milestone report entitled “Are We Ready” detailing the role played by its members in addressing climate change and supporting … Continued

Driving meaningful dialogue with Season 2 & 3 of Perspectives LIVE

To provide our members with easily accessible and convenient access to new knowledge and insights, we continued to expand on the success of our Perspectives Live web series with seasons 2 and 3. This engaging web series brought together industry experts and post-secondary leaders, including members, to discuss the pressing challenges and opportunities within the … Continued

Driving knowledge in the digital age

We were pleased to announce the launch of our new and improved website, collegesinstitutes.ca, in early 2023, designed to enhance user experience by providing streamlined navigation aligned with CICan’s key priority areas. This upgrade ensures users can easily access and explore valuable knowledge resources relevant to their interests and needs.

Driving knowledge

We are proud to serve as Canada’s knowledge hub on the college and institute system, gathering data and producing studies to both improve understanding of the Canadian post-secondary sector and support our advocacy efforts, nationally and internationally. By the numbers: 68 Events including our annual conference, symposium, leadership institutes and webinars 54 Knowledge Products including … Continued