Looking ahead to 2019

With a federal election planned in the Fall of 2019, CICan’s advocacy work has focused on preparing an election strategy to ensure colleges and institutes are heard by all parties during the campaign. We created a brand-new committee, gathering college and institute professionals working in communications and government relations, to advise our team and further … Continued

Engaging the public

CICan’s advocacy efforts were supported by a variety of communications activities targeting national and regional media. Over the year, we published op-eds, provided interviews and were featured in media such as the Globe and Mail, CBC, HuffPost, Maclean’s, the Hill Times, the PIE News, Study Travel Magazine, and Le Droit. We also continued working with … Continued

Engaging with policymakers

We contributed to multiple federal consultations this year, through written submissions or by appearing before committees. Pre-budget submission to the Standing Committee on Finance Submission to the Special Senate Committee on the Charitable Sector Submission to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with … Continued

Representing colleges and institutes on the Hill

As the voice of colleges and institutes in Ottawa, we joined forces with other organizations this year to advance our members’ priorities, including the need to support upskilling and reskilling in order to help Canadians adjust to changes in the labour market. We worked with Universities Canada to submit proposals on student mobility and market … Continued


CICan is proud to be the national voice of Canada’s colleges and institutes and has worked tirelessly over the past year to ensure their priorities are heard and understood by Canadians and key decision makers.