Evaluating the infrastructure needs of colleges and institutes

Investments in skills and innovation infrastructure remain a priority for colleges and institutes and have not kept pace with changing needs and technology. There is an acute need to upgrade outdated infrastructure and address deferred maintenance on campuses. This is why we conducted a new survey this year to better evaluate the infrastructure needs of … Continued

Integrating gender analysis in our international projects

Since the Government of Canada introduced its Feminist International Assistance Policy in 2017, we have taken several steps to further integrate gender equity into our various international projects. This year, we hired a new Gender Advisor to work with our project teams and published two reports linked to ongoing Education for Employment programs. Report on … Continued

Tracking the growth of applied research activity

Once again, we surveyed our members about their research activity to track the evolution of applied research at colleges and institutes, and support our advocacy efforts. Our latest report was launched in November and shows that colleges and institutes continue to play a fundamental role in supporting innovation in all sectors of the economy and … Continued

Drive Knowledge

CICan serves as Canada’s knowledge hub on the college and institute system, gathering data and producing studies to both improve understanding of the Canadian post-secondary sector and support our advocacy efforts, nationally and internationally.