Strong representation for our sector

Throughout the year, our President and CEO, Denise Amyot, took part in many speaking engagements, at both national and international events, where she spoke passionately about Canadian colleges and institutes. This included speeches at the Canadian Science Policy Centre Conference (December) and the Research Money Conference in Ottawa (April), as well as international invitations to … Continued

Raising public awareness

Our advocacy efforts were supported by a variety of communications activities targeting national and regional media. Over the year, we published op-eds, provided interviews and were featured in media such as the Globe and Mail, HuffPost, Maclean’s, the Hill Times and CPAC. We also maintained a strong social media presence and continued to improve our … Continued

Celebrating Canada’s 150th

With Canadians across the country celebrating Canada’s 150th  anniversary, CICan joined the party to mark the contribution of colleges and institutes to Canada’s ongoing success, dating back well beyond 150 years. A brand-new website was launched in January to present the history of colleges and institutes in a timeline, marking other events of historical importance, … Continued

Sharing our strengths via high profile events

This year we took part in several public events to share our expertise on a variety of topics while engaging with key audiences. We presented the results of our 2014-2015 survey on applied research on May 18, during a special event hosted by the Hill Times, which included a panel discussion on partnered innovation. We … Continued

Engaging with key policymakers

Every year, we organize several events focused on advocacy that allow leaders from colleges and institutes to engage directly with key policymakers. Among this year’s highlights: We collaborated with Employment and Social Development Canada to organize a consultation meeting on May 27, 2016, with members of our Board of Directors and the Industry-College Coalition to … Continued

The voice of colleges on budget consultations

We took part in the federal government’s annual pre-budget consultation process, issuing eight recommendations focused on six priority areas: partnered innovation for social and economic growth, Indigenous education, essential skills, work integrated learning, international mobility and labour market information. Our submission outlined how supporting colleges and institutes could help the government achieve its objectives, especially … Continued

An important moment for colleges and institutes in Ottawa

Over the last year, we made sure that the priorities of colleges and institutes were heard loud and clear in Ottawa by taking part in consultations where the strengths of our system could be featured. We prepared a total of nine submissions for the federal government to ensure that the role and potential of colleges … Continued


As the voice of Canadian colleges and institutes in Ottawa, we work to champion our members’ priority interests and promote the pivotal role that colleges, institutes, and their learners play in fostering social and economic prosperity. It has been an incredibly busy year in this respect, with the government launching dozens of consultations on a … Continued