Leading the way on microcredentials

With more and more Canadians looking to colleges and institutes for upskilling and reskilling opportunities, microcredentials have never been in such high demand, or so important to Canada’s economy. They can be incredibly varied however, with different approaches and programs on offer across the country. That is why we launched a national framework on microcredentials in March … Continued

International information sharing

Our international division hosted several meetings this year to facilitate information sharing with our members and international stakeholders. This included events by our new Partnerships & Knowledge Development team, including financial training sessions for EFE partnerships and another on Capacity Building for involvement in development cooperation projects. An important event on the lessons learned from … Continued

Introducing a new Perspectives Live Show

Since our flagship conference and several events had to be canceled in 2020, it was important for us to find new ways to engage with our members and stakeholders and share critical information on priority topics. To do this, we launched Perspectives Live, a brand-new interactive Web show that brought together experts and opinion leaders … Continued

Meetings in a virtual world

Even though we couldn’t meet in person this year, we were able to organize many public events, bringing together our members and stakeholders. These virtual exchanges allowed for discussions on a wide variety of topics and the exchange of best practice on hot topics. Moving things online also had the added benefit of making them … Continued

Drive Knowledge

We are proud to serve as Canada’s knowledge hub on the college and institute system, gathering data and producing studies to both improve understanding of the Canadian post-secondary sector and support our advocacy efforts, nationally and internationally.