Sharing our story

We continue to speak up for colleges and institutes in both traditional and new media to ensure that the public knows how colleges and institutes help make Canada futureproof. In the past year, we published op-eds, provided interviews, and were featured in media such as the Globe and Mail, the Toronto Star, the Canadian Press, … Continued

Support for refugees

In February, Russia invaded Ukraine. We immediately set to work to ensure that our members were well placed to support Ukrainians fleeing violence in their country. In less than three months, 43 CICan member colleges and institutes came together to provide over 150 scholarships and other support for Ukrainians students. From October to March, we … Continued

Reflecting on Canada’s colonial legacy

As Canadians, we faced anew the truth about residentials schools and this dark side of Canadian history following the news of remains uncovered at the sites of several former residential schools. We know that our member institutions are our strongest asset in communities grieving across the country, and we pledged to connect First Nations, Métis, … Continued

Continued advocacy during COVID-19

In year two of the pandemic, we continued to work closely with government, including Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, Transport Canada, the Public Health Agency of Canada, and the Canada Border Services Agency to ensure that the needs of members and their students were heard and addressed. This year, much of the conversation was focused … Continued

The voice of colleges and institutes in Ottawa

The way we advocate isn’t just about speaking up for our members; it’s also about making sure that the federal government understands how colleges and institutes support their own priorities. This year, we prepared over 11 federal submissions, policy papers, and reports and held nearly 70 meetings with parliamentarians and senior government officials! The Next Step Forward, March … Continued


We are proud to be the national voice of Canada’s colleges and institutes and have worked tirelessly over the past year to ensure their priorities are heard and understood by Canadians and key decision makers.