Enhancing skills through international experiences

When students work and study abroad, they bring back skills and knowledge that benefit everyone. Our Global Skills Opportunity (GSO) program, jointly administered with Universities Canada, increases the participation of Canadians in international learning opportunities. As of March 31, 2023, 3,269 (59% from CICan member institutions) students have completed or were in the process of … Continued

Strengthening social and economic development abroad

Stronger economies and improved social conditions can lead to reduced inequality, poverty alleviation and enhanced access to education and healthcare. These are among the many reasons we remain committed to strengthening social and economic development abroad, and in 2022-23 launched new initiatives with these goals in mind. In partnership with Universities Canada, we launched the … Continued

Advancing Student Mobility and International Recruitment

As part of our effort to facilitate student mobility and the recruitment of international students, we develop college-specific missions and sector-wide initiatives in collaboration with industry stakeholders to promote Canada’s colleges and institutes internationally and build partnerships abroad. Over the past year, CICan hosted two virtual student fairs. Our Pacific Alliance fair targeted Chile, Peru, … Continued

Recognizing excellence

As we do every year, CICan recognized best practices from institutions across the country and exceptional individuals making a difference within their college or institute and awarded over $10,000 in awards to member institutions, their faculty, student, and staff. Our Awards of Excellence, distributed in partnership with TD Insurance, were announced in April 2022 at … Continued

Breaking down financial barriers

CICan offers a number of bursaries that provide financial support to college and institute students in financial need. This year, 24 students facing barriers to participating in and completing post-secondary education, were award $110,000 in bursaries through the CICan Paul and Gerri Charette Bursary Program, and the Bird Construction Inc & Paul and Gerri Charette … Continued

Empowering others discover their leadership potential

CICan’s Mentorship Program capitalizes on the expertise and experience of current and past leaders in post-secondary education to build capacity and drive knowledge within the college and institute system. This year we responded to 15 mentorship requests through our ongoing mentorship program, which pairs experienced college and institute presidents and directors general with those who … Continued

Ensuring the continued success of leadership development programs

Year after year, CICan delivers targeted capacity-building programs that equip members with skills and tools to stay at the forefront of post-secondary education and contribute to succession planning. This past year, our leadership institutes, which draw on the latest management concepts and experiences to prepare participants to lead in the college and institute system, welcomed … Continued

Empowering members through shared resources

Creating and sharing resources with our members is one of the many ways we work to help build their capacity. Over the past year, we developed several new resources carefully designed to address our members’ specific needs and the challenges they face. For example: To address the acute labour shortages in the long-term care sector … Continued

Introducing new programs focused on skills development

Skills development, including upskilling and reskilling, is of the utmost importance in today’s rapidly changing economy. It plays a vital role in helping learners and workers stay relevant and successful. Over the past year, we launched Career Launcher Apprenticeships, a program providing financial incentives to small and medium-sized employers in the construction and manufacturing sectors … Continued

Building Capacity

Our Canadian portfolio includes over a dozen programs and projects with over 80 participating colleges and institutes, and it’s growing rapidly. We’re also proud that each one of our programs contributes to advancing at least one of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. This year we added a few new programs that advanced our suite of … Continued